My friend
Maritza tagged my for this meme and I have been wracking my brain to come up
with something to write. While most people who know me think I am odd, personally I don't find anything really strange about me at all. So here goes 6 (not so) strange (to me) things:
1. I notice peoples hands first and if they have long, slim fingers it freaks me out. It just gives me the
heebee geebee's. I knew a guy in college that had these freakishly long fingers - I swore he was going to become a serial killer. He may have for all I know - I stayed far away from him back then!
2. I tell my self bed time stories. When I can't sleep I make up stories about the
Sidhe, and Elves and Wizards and entertain myself till I fall asleep - unfortunately I never remember them in the morning - I think they are really good stories too.
3. I will change the route I travel randomly - never go the same way somewhere - you never know who is watching.
4. I have had the same
reoccurring dream since childhood - I am lost in the Museum of Natural History - I wonder endlessly through the exhibits - the old exhibits, the whale is still hanging from the ceiling - never finding my way out or knowing how I got in there.
5. I have absolutely no sense of direction - I can get lost driving home. The last time I was in Chicago for training - I got lost going from the class room back to the shuttle bus. Hopeless.
6. I have no luck at games of chance - I will lose
every time - in record time - that's why I don't gamble. If I had the only ticket in a lottery - it would still lose! Yet I consider myself a very lucky person.
Well that's it - that is all I can come up with. I leave it open to anyone who would like to steal it from me. And if you can think of something I might have missed - let me know - self examination is good for me.