I seem to be under a computer black cloud - my computer at home has all these trojon programs on it I have to reformat it, I couldn't open any pdf files on David's yesterday and I tried several times to post here and it just would not work and now I want to add some pix - vacation and knitting stuff and photobucket keeps coming up server not found - bummer!
Had a great weekend tho' - Saturday I went to lunch & shopping with my best friend, Marilyn. Before meeting I stopped at Smiley's to pick out some sample yarns for the poncho she wants - decided on Encore DK in a dark sage, medium sage and pale sage held together - it looked really pretty - Marilyn loved the combo and at $1.99 each I won't blow my whole budget.
I bought some other goodies too, including a perpetual stitch a day calendar and a really funky olive green mock crock bag for fall - to go with all the green things I am knitting like this:
this is my ponshawl when I first started it - I am almost done now I love the way it looks!
This is what it should look like when I am done sewing it together:
This is the edging I did for the stole in Ritratta - it's from
Knitting on the Edge
One last picture for today:
My happy family on vacation - If you click on the link below you should be able to see some
more of my vacation pix - if you are so inclined!
Oh and I found yesterday post and got it to print - yeah! I think I my be getting a handle on this blog thing!